

Följande gäller för reklamation/garanti

Reklamationer sker enligt följande rutin:

Skadan ska fotodokumenteras vid mottagandet och anmälas och sändas tillsammans med ifylld reklamationsblankett till inom 24 timmar. Vi förbehåller oss rätten att utföra eventuella reparationer, eller vid överenskommelse med motpart, överlåta dessa. Påbörjade/avslutade reparationer utan skriftligt godkännande via brev eller e-post ersätts ej av Wallhamn AB.




In case of material delivery, accessory assembly and other work, Wallhamn AB is responsible for errors that occur for a period of 12 months from the date the car or material was delivered to the buyer. In cases where the supplier of materials offers a longer warranty period than twelve months, the longer warranty period applies. If the origin supplier of materials applies warranty terms that differ from Wallhamn AB’s provisions, the terms of origin of the originator will apply.

The above specified liability applies only to defects in delivered material or assembly caused by Wallhamn AB or subcontractor to Wallhamn AB. This means, among other things, that Wallhamn AB is not responsible for the wrong reliance / caused by:

  • Incorrect operation
  • The buyer has not followed the management instructions provided by Wallhamn AB
  • Obvious miscarriage, neglect or overload
  • Repairs, repairs or alterations to installed equipment outside Wallhamn AB’s registry or workshop not approved by Wallhamn AB, and no original spare parts have been used.
  • The car has been subjected to external damage or accidents affecting the assembly or equipment, or the use of unused maintenance equipment, etc.

The buyer shall advertise as soon as possible the fault is discovered and no more than two weeks after the expiration of the liability period as stated above.

The buyer must report missing material within 24 hours of receiving the car.

Wallhamn AB does not compensate for loss of production, loss of profits or other financial loss.